Eating fresh fruit and vegetables helps people resist the temptation of waist-expanding treats, scientists have found.
When our supplies of glucose - found in carbohydrates - drop we begin to lose our ability to control desire, while our urge to eat increases.
The lack of glucose – which is used to power the brain – makes us helpless against the urge to reach for high-calorie foods, researchers said.
Obese people are particularly vulnerable, with even the slightest drop in glucose prompting irresistible cravings for carbohydrates, from which we get most of our sugar.
These can be "good" carbs, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, brown rice and pasta and wholemeal bread, or "bad" varieties which include white bread and sugar, fizzy drinks, cakes, crisps and other packet snacks.
Making sure the brain's glucose levels do not drop could be the secret to staying slim, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation suggested.
* Originally Posted: Top Diagnosis